
Aliquippa School District

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Transition Services

Transition Services

Jacki Stickles - Coordinator
Phone: 724-857-7500 ext. 4208

The goal of transition planning is to prepare students with disabilities for life after high school. Transition services are based on each student's needs, likes and interests. Transition planning should begin no later than grade 9 or age 14, whichever comes first. The Aliquippa School District has a Transition Coordinator and an assistant coordinator located in the high school.

The transition specialists work with all students who have a transition plan in their IEP. Beginning at age 14 a course of study will be developed by the IEP team. This will specify the educational courses and experiences in school and the community that will assist the student in achieving his/her post school goals. Consideration is made for the student's need for occupational readiness, including courses to prepare the student as a career and technical education program completer.

The IEP team will address five areas in the transition plan and their potential outcomes. These include the areas of postsecondary employment outcomes, career and technical education, postsecondary education, independent living and community participation. Transition services are available to all students with current IEPs. At the age of 16 and older the IEP team will address postsecondary agency/services linkages that are vital to the successful transition into the community.
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