2-Hour Delay
ASD will have a 2-hour delay on 1/21/25 due to Wind Chill Advisory.

Aliquippa School District

Home of the Quips


Compass Learning Odyssey

what is compass learning?
Compass Learning produces web-based programs for students in grades K-12.  The programs are diagnostic and prescriptive, providing targeted instruction to students based upon their individual areas of need.

Directions for Parents (Click Here)

How to Log In:
Students Username: First two letters of your first name and your last name
For Example:  john smith = josmith
If a family member has the same name, we add a third letter to the first name.
Student Password: five digit local id
Parents/Guardians Username: begins with “pa” then the student username
For Example: pajosmith
Password:  begins with “pa” then the student local id
For Example: pa12345

Mobile Device Directions: 

To get started using Odyssey on your mobile device now, follow these steps:

1) Go to the App Store for your mobile device and find Puffin Academy by CloudMosa.

2) Download the Puffin Academy app (not Puffin Web browser, also by CloudMosa).

3) Open the Puffin Academy app.

4) Find the Compass Learning icon and click it. We are currently listed as a featured publisher, so we are on the home page. Otherwise, a simple search for "compass learning" will bring you to Odyssey.

5) Click the logo, then click the logo again, and you will be redirected to the Odyssey login screen.

6) Login as you would normally login and begin using Compass Learning Odyssey!

*Note: The login routine described above is one-time only. After establishing Compass Learning as the solution of choice, the app will launch with Compass Learning every time, without the additional steps of clicking on the logos.

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