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Scope and Sequence

5th Grade Treasures – Scope and Sequence

Unit 1

1. Miss Alaineus

a. theme - school contest

b. vocabulary - context clues: synonym

c. comprehension – analyze story structure, character and plot

d. fluency

e. writing – personal narrative

f. grammar – sentence types

2. Davy Crockett Saves the World

a. theme – American Legends

b. vocabulary – word parts: compound words

c. comprehension – analyze story structure, plot and setting

d. fluency

e. writing – personal narrative

f. grammar – subjects and predicates

3. Forests of the World

a. theme – trees for life

b. vocabulary – dictionary: homographs

c. comprehension – analyze text structure, compare and contrast

d. fluency

e. writing – research report

f. grammar – sentence combining

4. Ultimate Field Trip 5: Blasting off to Space Academy

a. theme – exploring space

b. vocabulary – context clues: description or explanation

c. comprehension – generate questions, summarize

d. fluency

e. writing – friendly letter

f. grammar – more sentence combining

5. Pipiolo and the Roof Dogs

a. theme – rescue dogs

b. vocabulary – thesaurus: synonyms

c. comprehension – generate questions, cause and effect

d. fluency

e. writing – journal entry

f. grammar – run-on sentences

Unit 2

1. Shiloh

a. theme - people helping animals

b. vocabulary - dictionary: idiom

c. comprehension – monitor comprehension, making inferences

d. fluency

e. writing – radio/TV advertisement

f. grammar – common and proper nouns

2. Rattlers!

a. theme - slithery snakes

b. vocabulary - context clues: look for restatement

c. comprehension – summarize, main idea and details

d. fluency

e. writing – letter to the editor

f. grammar – singular and plural nouns

3. May Lin: Architect of Memory

a. theme - remember the past

b. vocabulary - word parts: inflectional endings

c. comprehension – summarize, main idea and details

d. fluency

e. writing – research report

f. grammar – more plural nouns

4. The Night of San Juan

a. theme - the Caribbean islands

b. vocabulary - word parts: suffixes

c. comprehension – summarize, problem and solution

d. fluency

e. writing – persuasive essay

f. grammar – possessive nouns

5. Black Cowboy Wild Horses

a. theme - cowboys and cowgirls

b. vocabulary - analogies: antonyms

c. comprehension – monitor comprehension, making inferences

d. fluency

e. writing – TV/movie/book review

f. grammar – plural and possessive nouns

Unit 3

1. Sleds on Boston Common

a. theme - the American Revolution

b. vocabulary - word families

c. comprehension – make inferences and analyze, draw conclusions

d. fluency

e. writing – character sketch

f. grammar – action verbs

2. When Esther Morris Headed West

a. theme - the right to vote

b. vocabulary - dictionary: pronunciation

c. comprehension – evaluate, fact and opinion

d. fluency

e. writing – poem

f. grammar – verb tense

3. Beyond the Horizon

a. theme - protecting the environment

b. vocabulary - word parts: prefixes

c. comprehension – evaluate, fact and opinion

d. fluency

e. writing – research report

f. grammar – main idea and helping verbs

4. My Great-Grandmother’s Gourd

a. theme - desert habitats

b. vocabulary - thesaurus: denotation and connotation

c. comprehension – make inferences and analyze, compare and contrast

d. fluency

e. writing – dialogue

f. grammar – linking verbs

5. Zathura

a. theme – into the future

b. vocabulary - analogies: synonyms

c. comprehension – make inferences and analyze, draw conclusions

d. fluency

e. writing – diary

f. grammar – irregular verbs

Unit 4

1. Goin’ Someplace Special

a. theme - civil rights

b. vocabulary - homophones: recognize homophones

c. comprehension – analyze story structure, character and setting

d. fluency

e. writing – news article

f. grammar – pronouns and antecedents

2. Carlos and the Skunk

a. theme - animal defenses

b. vocabulary - context clues: within a sentence

c. comprehension – evaluate, author’s purpose

d. fluency

e. writing – research/scientific observation

f. grammar – subject and object pronouns

3. Getting Out the Vote

a. theme - democracy

b. vocabulary - word parts: prefixes and suffixes

c. comprehension – evaluate, make generalizations

d. fluency

e. writing – research report

f. grammar – pronoun-verb agreement

4. Hurricanes

a. theme – extreme weather

b. vocabulary - dictionary: multiple-meaning words

c. comprehension – analyze text, description

d. fluency

e. writing – magazine article

f. grammar – possessive pronouns

5. The Catch of the Day

a. theme - trickster tales

b. vocabulary - analogies: relationships

c. comprehension – evaluate, author’s purpose

d. fluency

e. writing – research/interview

f. grammar – pronouns and homophones; contractions and homophones

Unit 5

1. Spirit of Endurance

a. theme - north pole, south pole

b. vocabulary - word parts: base and root words

c. comprehension – generate questions, problem and solution

d. fluency

e. writing – introduction speech

f. grammar – adjectives and demonstrative adjectives

2. Weslandia

a. theme – fantastic food

b. vocabulary - dictionary: word origins

c. comprehension – make inferences and analyze, theme

d. fluency

e. writing – scene from a play

f. grammar – articles

3. A Historic Journey

a. theme - learning from nature

b. vocabulary - thesaurus/dictionary: antonyms

c. comprehension – make inferences and analyze, cause and effect

d. fluency

e. writing – persuasive essay

f. grammar – adjectives that compare

4. The Unbreakable Code

a. theme - talking in code

b. vocabulary - context clues

c. comprehension – generate questions, evaluate author’s perspective

d. fluency

e. writing – compare-and-contrast essay

f. grammar – comparing with more and most

5. The Gri Gri Tree

a. theme - whales

b. vocabulary - word parts: Latin roots

c. comprehension – generate questions, summarize

d. fluency

e. writing – descriptive poem

f. grammar – comparing with good and bad

Unit 6

1. The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring

a. theme - fairy tales

b. vocabulary - homophones

c. comprehension – summarize, sequence

d. fluency

e. writing – eyewitness account

f. grammar – adverbs

2. Skunk Scout

a. theme – camping out

b. vocabulary - use a dictionary: multiple-meaning words

c. comprehension – monitor comprehension, make judgments

d. fluency

e. writing – how-to paragraph

f. grammar – adverbs that compare

3. A Dream Comes True

a. theme - improving lives

b. vocabulary - context clues

c. comprehension – monitor comprehension, persuasion

d. fluency

e. writing – research report

f. grammar – negatives

4. Up in the Air: The Story of Balloon Flight

a. theme - balloon flight

b. vocabulary - word parts: Greek roots

c. comprehension – monitor comprehension, make generalizations

d. fluency

e. writing – explain how something works

f. grammar – prepositions and prepositional phrases

5. Hidden Worlds

a. theme - scientists at work

b. vocabulary - word parts: Latin and Greek word parts

c. comprehension – summarize, sequence

d. fluency

e. writing – explanatory review

f. grammar – sentence combining

Treasures Tech Tour
Theme Stories
Each Kindness


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The Day the Crayons Quit


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Miss Rumphius


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Mr. Peabody's Apples


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The Empty Pot


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Summarization Stories
The Librarian of Basra


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The Man Who Walked Between the Towers


<video controls id="7c5cf2e0-4f42-4028-b14c-04747cfab035" class="vjs-16-9 video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" preload="metadata" poster="https://www.quipsd.org/VideoUp/7c5cf2e0-4f42-4028-b14c-04747cfab035.mp4.jpg" data-setup='{ "autoplay": false, "controls": true, "muted": false, "loop": false, "loadingSpinner": false, "fluid": true, "techOrder": ["html5","flash"], "ga": {"eventsToTrack": ["start"]} }'> <source src="https://www.quipsd.org/VideoUp/7c5cf2e0-4f42-4028-b14c-04747cfab035.mp4.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="https://www.quipsd.org/VideoUp/7c5cf2e0-4f42-4028-b14c-04747cfab035.mp4.ogv" type="video/ogg"> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank" ">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video>
A Day's Work


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My Name is Georgia


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Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge


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Unit Resources
Fridge Notes:
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